Spring Dressage - 16th April
Please click HERE for the results of the 2023 Spring Dressage
Must be results day!…
***GRS Groundwork Challenge***
Seeing the relationship that members have with their horses made judging this competition a privilege.
Super Silver has been achieved by Delilah and Cassie, Florrie and Teddy, Jill and Ringo, Sarah and Miller.
Gorgeous Gold for Caroline and Griffin, Tayne and Duke, Bex and Harn, Katie and Jamal.
Apologies that there will be a delay before the rosettes arrive through the post but they need to be specially made.
Thank you for supporting this club activity.
Arena Eventing - 30th October
What a wonderful day of competition with some fabulous teamwork, and welcoming new riders to the club teams! The 70cm mixed team rode first, consisting of Freya, Jessica , Violet and Hannah - some lovely rounds but unfortunately out of the placings individually and finishing 8th of 12 teams overall. The 80cm juniors rode next and they had a super set of rounds with an amazing overall win for Grace Hotham (Lucy) and 6th for Violet and 8th for Kayla. Jess retired halfway through making a very sensible decision that her ride felt tired after the 70cm. This resulted in A WIN for this team! and lots of cheers and smiles, I don’t think we quite believed it! A big thankyou to Kerry who stepped in and offered her mare, Maddie, to Hannah and Jess when Monty had a minor field injury, so they could compete today, and also supported the juniors all day! Kayla went on to ride the 90cm, which was a super challenging course and her and Bobby did a brilliant job, securing 5th individually! Lots of fun and friendship today and very proud to represent you all!
The 80cm team are off to Aston-Le-Walls for the Championships over the weekend of 10-12 March, subject to an invitation from BRC.
Thank you to everyone involved in the GRS Fun Show on Sunday 5th Sept. The organisers, the sponsors, the volunteers, Carol Street Equine Photography, The Tasty Tucker Trailer, Tack & Turnout, and of course all the competitors. Once we have the final figure, we will announce the total raised for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
Results can be downloaded HERE
You can find the professional pictures HERE
Easter 2022 Dressage
Results are here.
Professional photos are here

Team Manager’s report for the NAF 5 Star National Championships at Lincolnshire Showground Sunday 5th September 2021.
What a junior team to be proud of!
The start to preparations was a little fraught with two of our members not being able to bring their horses due to injury, so at the last minute, and true to Gipping team spirit, we managed to work out a way to share the horses that were going so that the everyone could still take part, and Amber and Megan quickly got acquainted with Freya and Jessica’s ponies having some fun on Saturday evening in the parking field!
Competition day started bright and early at 6am when the ponies were collected from their stables and brought up for breakfast along with lots of scrubbing, plaiting, painting, and brushing, as our youngest members, Freya and Jess were on first at 8.30am. They had chosen to enter a junior pairs direct entry class and had choreographed a very sweet test incorporating all the required movements. They had super matching expertly plaited tails, thanks to Kath, and looked quite a pair on their height matching skewbald and piebald. Their test was very well executed, and they had the sharpest timed salutes you ever did see! We may have struck lucky on the number of entrants, but we were super happy to take a beautiful second place rosette and a huge bucket each of NAF goodies from the sponsors!
Next up was the turn of Charlotte, as she had entered the native pony dressage direct entry class, which started just as the pairs were finishing – so we all rushed to the opposite end of the field to capture this, especially Amber, who kindly was photographing all the proceedings throughout the day for us! Charlotte left the arena with the biggest smile and was super proud of Shewy’s performance, so that was enough for us, and they received a very respectable 66% - which I think Charlotte claimed as their best yet! Just out of the placings on this occasion.
Quickly the team of four dressage championship classes started, with Jess riding Pea in Prelim 12, Charlotte and Shewy again in Prelim 7, Megan on Dolly (Freya’s pony most know as Floss) for Prelim 18, and Amber on our trusted cob Bluey (Who not only had just finished pairs, but was also now trying his hoof at novice, only to notice his front shoe was missing – gulp!) for Novice 24. They all rode super accurate tests, with mid 60’s scores which we were really proud of in the circumstances, to secure a team 15th overall. Out of the placings, but I think it’s safe to say they all had a great time!
As the dressage concluded the pairs combinations were rushing off to find the Showjumping rings as Freya and Floss had qualified to compete in the 75cm SJ with Style and Jess and Bluey in the 85cm with Style. To achieve this, another great team effort, as Amanda took Pea back to the stables with Shewy, so I could follow Jess in the hope of finding the farrier before the jumping class started! We arrived at the SJ just as Freya entered the arena and stood mesmerised as she rode a clear round with no time penalties! Sadly out of the placings, however, I want to recognise the huge achievement for a combination, who at the start of the season was struggling with confidence over small jumps! Mum, Clare was in floods in tears, and I was choking up too – it was quite a spectacle and Floss really was the star of the day at this point!
Next Jess was warming up for the 85cm, and still sadly no sign of the farrier, so after trying the practice jumps, we decided Bluey was sound enough to compete, so off they went. They had a super start, and the commentator was clearly very taken with this honest pony giving his all to jump a challenging course, when, at jump 5 Jessica had a stirrup malfunction, and felt it best to retire! A very brave and mature decision!
The return to the stables found that Charlotte and Amanda had kindly done the mucking out, and then the Dickson’s cleared down the stables, whilst Clare and I packed up the camp area. Once ready to leave we met at the secretary tent for final farewells, to collect test sheets and grab this photo! The photo shows the happy and tired faces of the team, all sporting their championship clothing, which excitedly has the names of all their horses on the back! Everyone got home safely, and I think are looking forward to next year to try again, with several lessons learned. Time to think about the winter championships now, especially sleeping alternatives to a tent LOL – please get in touch if you would like to join us at gippingteams@gmail.com.
Jill x

Congratulations to all our riders today at the National Dressage Qualifiers, you really danced your socks off and did the club proud. It was a sticky start with a few withdrawals and changes for injury but we still managed to turn out our teams (with hats ;0) )
The photo here is our junior dressage team who achieved joint 1st place to qualify for championships! Sadly they had run out of rosettes, so they will follow! Amber Dickson placed 1st in her novice class Kathryn Dickson Megan Dickson placed 3rd in her prelim. Jessica Baldwin placed 1st in her prelim and Charlotte Amanda Salmon placed 5th - super results!
Our Junior Riding Test placed a fantastic 2nd place. With an individual 4th placing for Jessica and 6th place for Hannah Baldwin. Well done team!
Our individual juniors for Intro were all in the placings too. Freya Clare Button 6th, Lucie Claire Osborne 4th and Hannah Baldwin 3rd. (An extra well done to Lucie for her first outing thanks to the wonderful Dallas on loan from Emma Jardine - he did you proud and looked after her very well!)
Mary (Hayley) King competed as an individual junior in Prelim 7 and placed 2nd - another super result!
Our seniors did really well too, with our open team all placing 4th in their respective classes, securing them a 6th overall as a team - well done to Tayne Louise Eaton, Sarah Ahrens and Nicola Taylor
Unfortunately our prelim senior team didn’t place this time, however there was a 2nd Individual place for Tayne Louise Eaton and a 6th for Sarah Ahrens so really well done!
Also thank you to Danielle Noble for stepping in to the team slot at short notice and to Emma Matthews for some lovely riding, sadly just both outside the placings on this occasion.
I didn’t stop running around today, so haven’t many photos to share, so please do share your highlights from today in the comments, I would love to see them as we all looked very smart!
I was so proud to represent each and every member today, it was another super Gipping team effort.
One final thanks must go to Iain Saunders and James Button, as they spent their afternoon as scoring assistants, taking our turn to help proceedings so that everyone could compete! They deserve a pint tonight!

The ODE individual results are in, although provisional at this point. Our junior 90 riders did really well, with a 3rd placing for Isla Mattock Vicky Mattock and a 6th placing for Rebekah Nicholson Rachel Nicholson - well done ladies and we will get your rosettes to you!
The 80cm juniors were just out of the rosettes placing 7th for Emma Jardine and 9th for Violet Gladden Lorna Redgewell - well done ladies, great results in a large class!
A final well done to all of our competitors, and thank you for representing our club, and we hope you had a lovely day!
Jill & Kerry